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From Data Dust to Diamond Insights: Insightogram Empowers BPM Links' Mission with Power BI


BPM Links, despite their tireless efforts, were struggling to effectively communicate their impact to donors and stakeholders. Data was scattered across disparate sources, making it difficult to track progress, measure outcomes, and showcase the true value of their work. Traditional reporting methods were time-consuming and lacked the visual clarity needed to capture attention and inspire action.


  • Data Dust Dispersion: Crucial information scattered across disparate sources, lacking clarity and accessibility.

  • Impact in the Shadows: Difficulty communicating their impact to donors and stakeholders due to opaque data reporting.

  • Decision-Making Deluge: Data overload hindering effective resource allocation and program optimization.

  • Storytelling Struggle: Traditional reporting methods failing to capture attention and inspire action.

  • Data Dependency Dilemma: Staff lacking the skills and confidence to utilize data effectively for long-term sustainability.


Recognizing the need for a data-driven approach, Insightogram crafted a comprehensive Power BI solution tailored to BPM Links' unique needs.

  • From Dust to Dashboards: We embarked on a data cleansing and consolidation mission, integrating information from various sources into a single, unified SQL Server database. This data foundation laid the groundwork for accurate and insightful reporting.

  • The Diamond Maker: Our data architects wielded the power of DAX, Power BI's powerful calculation engine, to transform raw data into actionable insights. We crafted custom calculations that measured key performance indicators, tracked program progress, and highlighted areas for improvement.

  • A Symphony of Stories: We didn't just crunch numbers; we told stories. Using Power BI's intuitive visual storytelling capabilities, we developed 21 interactive dashboards tailored for different stakeholders, from donors to program managers. These dashboards provided a clear, concise, and visually compelling picture of BPM Links' impact, showcasing successes, identifying challenges, and inspiring action.


  • Support that Sustains: Recognizing that data is a journey, not a destination, we offered ongoing support and training. Our team was readily available to answer questions, address technical challenges, and ensure that BPM Links' staff were empowered to utilize the Power BI platform effectively.


The partnership between Insightogram and BPM Links yielded transformative results:

  • Impact Clarity: Power BI dashboards provided a transparent and compelling picture of BPM Links' impact, leading to increased donor confidence and funding.

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Insights gleaned from the dashboards empowered BPM Links to optimize their programs, allocate resources effectively, and maximize their reach.

  • Improved Communication: With data readily available and visually engaging, BPM Links could communicate their impact to stakeholders more effectively, fostering stronger partnerships and collaboration

  • Empowered Staff: Ongoing support and training enabled BPM Links' staff to become confident users of Power BI, ensuring long-term data ownership and sustainability.


This partnership goes beyond numbers and dashboards. It's a story of empowering an organization to amplify its impact, improve lives, and build a brighter future for those in need. Insightogram is proud to be a part of this journey, committed to using the power of data to fuel positive change in the world.

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